Good Logo Design
This is a logo for an olive company. It helps the viewer relate names to images that correlate well with one another. In the logo it is in a circular shape as an olive. There is a nice red star that refers to the "Lone Star" name and olive leaves framing the olive. That composition gives the viewers eyes a break with the complementary shape. Already with a little Olive in the middle the logo gives the perception of food off the bat, the viewer shouldn't be confused what this is directed at. The stress is directly at the vibrant green olive but is balanced with the natural green stamp like background. It is level through and through, especially with the ribbon saying "Olive Oil Ranch" gives it a nice base with the lower corners of the ribbon in line with the lowest point of the circle. Which also gives the "Ranch" feel in the stamped background and ribbon over the logo.
Bad Logo Design
This logo design has a lot going wrong with it. To the perception it gives off, to the visual balance. The name "Technology Driven Transactions" is for a company based in domestic and global negotiations. The man at the top of the logo give the viewer the feeling that they should be running out the door from this company? When you are dealing with money negotiations you want your customer to come too you. This brings us to the balance of the logo, but it look like the top part is sliding off to the side of the green rectangle on the bottom. I am not sure if the balance is coming from the bottom up, or if it is sliding off the side.This causes the stress on the word DRIVEN because of the great white negative space and angles pointed towards it. I think it might be time to go back to the drawing board on this one.
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